Friday, May 27, 2011

05-27-2011 Notes from Maintenance Chemo yesterday

05-27-2011 Notes from Maintenance Chemo yesterday

It was good to see the nice folks at the Cancer Care Facility again after 6 months.

All my levels were good, BP was like 120/80, I think (she said it was OK) weight was 201(!), temp 97.8.

Dr. R. was his usual friendly self. He asked how I was: neuropathy?, any tumors returning?, how did I feel?, etc.

I told him I felt like I had gained weight and was surprised that my weight wasn't 210, because that's what I feel like. I hadn't kept up any kind of exercise regimen over the winter and that at this point I've started riding but not like last year what with the weather sucking and all.

He asked me about biking, how far did I go and what kind of bike, etc? We talked about that for a little bit. His bike is presently in the garage with a flat tire. Mine might as well be for all I've ridden it this spring (~270 miles, but I have BIG plans, all I need is good weather).

I asked him about "chemo fog". I told him that I definitely am absent minded and can tell that my short term memory is not what it was. He acknowledged that that could be a problem with chemotherapy. He encouraged me to keep my mind busy, do puzzles or read. I told him I could definitely do the reading, I have a few books that I have been ignoring. And a 'blog, for that matter.

He did a quick exam, then shook my hand and sent me off to chemotherapy.

This session seemed like it lasted forever. I think I got back in the chair at about 11:30 and didn't get out til 4:20. I couldn't stay awake, but I couldn't sleep either. Could not get comfortable and had the chills. Watched TV and logged into work to see what was going on.

All I got was Tylenol, Benadryl and Rituxan. They started the Rituxan out slow so I wouldn't be likely to get a reaction since it had been 6 months since the last time.

Afterwards, I had mild nausea and a little bit of a headache, nothing major. After I got home, I did NOTHING but watch my White Sox and the Bulls and I fell asleep on the couch sometime in the 4th quarter of the Bulls game. I woke up at 2:12 on the couch. Julie told me this morning that she tried to wake me up with no success, which is unusual for me. Wonder if she put a mirror under my nose....

I noticed things seemed to taste a little different last night but this morning I think I'm nearly back to normal (hold the jokes, I know I was NEVER normal).

I'll repeat the process for the next 3 Thursdays, then consult with the doctor after that. Next Pet Scan in about 3 months, more maintenance 3 months after that.

Nice thing about the maintenance is NO PREDNISONE! No puffy face or ankles, no wired feeling, none of that.

So... this DOES sound like a cakewalk.

Memorial Day Weekend is here. Tessa's coming home and we're really looking forward to having her around for a couple days.

I have two biking excursions on the docket, 1 this afternoon and one Sunday, so we'll see how that works out.

I really DO have an outline for some 'blog subjects, so hopefully I'll get to that soon.

HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND! Thanks for checking in.

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