08-02-2010 Bloodwork
First chemo was one week ago today. I had to stop at the clinic this afternoon to get a blood draw.
Here's how it came out:
wbc 6.0, rbc 4.90, hemo 14.1, hematocrit 40.0, platelets 172.
And this is what it was pre chemo:
wbc 5.4, rbc 5.01, hemo 14.5, hematocrit 41.4, platelets 126.
So, nothing much changed. What does that mean?
I have no idea, but they said the levels are all fine.
I asked about the Prednisone. The nurse informed me that the Prednisone makes the chemotherapy drugs more effective. So I'm not going to lobby for less Prednisone.
I asked if I could predict my experience from here on out based on the first round of chemo. They either don't want to say, don't know, or can't predict. I got a very wishy washy type of answer.
So, I guess any way you slice it, it's a wait and see type thing. I can live with that.
I feel good, still. My expectation is that this (feeling good) will last until the second round.
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