Monday, August 16, 2010

8-16-2010 couldn't sleep

8-16-2010 couldn't sleep

Woke up early and I had a couple thoughts in my head about so I thought I'd get them posted.

Chemo, round 2 in about 7 hours.


My brother in law Bill sent me an email and asked about Austin -


Good luck with the next round of chemo. I hope it kills all the little bastards.

I like reading your blog. In the midst of so much shit it's heartening to read something meaningful.

How are the kids? I'm concerned about Austie. Does he understand what's happening, does he talk about it?

Here's my response:


Glad you enjoy reading the 'blog. I enjoy writing it. It's probably therapeutic in a way.

We really haven't said a whole lot to Austin. He knew I had something going on. We told him that I was sick and had to go to the doctor but that I would be OK. I think he picks up on vibes as much as specific conversation and at first the vibe was not good but now it's been good for quite a while so I think he's pretty much at ease.

Austin is big on denial and so if it seems to be going well he won't rock the boat.

Years ago I was unemployed and things were looking pretty bleak. Austin picked up on the miserable moods of both Julie and I and he was feeling very insecure. Although I didn't think he heard us, Julie and I had discussed selling our house. One day I put a political sign up in our front yard (VERY unlike me, I've never done that before or since, but there was a particular candidate that I despised deeply, and so I was moved to "signage" I guess you could say).

When Austin got off his bus that day, I was in the garage. He looked at the sign and his shoulders dropped. He walked in the garage and said "Great!" very sarcastically. I asked him what the problem was. He said "Sellin' the house!" I explained to him that the sign was for an election, not a realtor. So although he can't read and might not understand everything that is said, he is very perceptive.

I realized when I read Bill's email that I had posted previously about Austin being upset, around the time of my surgery. After that I had never really mentioned that Austin seemed to be feeling more secure after we got the prognosis and continued into chemo, with what seem to be favorable results.

The 'blog is an excellent way to communicate but I need to remind myself that I need to be sure to close the loop on some of the details... sorry about the oversight, reader.


The Bs.

Steve and Laurie have been our 2-doors down neighbors for 11 years. We have become very good friends. They bought a house in Florida and have finally sold their house here. They're moving out at the end of August.

Their kids and Julie and I had a farewell party for them over the weekend. It was very bittersweet. We are happy for them because they are realizing their dream, but at the same time we are (selfishly, I guess) sad for ourselves because we'll miss them so much.

NOTE TO READER: Being diagnosed with cancer and having your best friends move away, all within a period of less than 2 months, will dramatically illustrate that your life is, indeed, zipping by at the speed of light. Please heed this advice, from someone who knows: Cherish your friends and family and enjoy your good health while you have the chance.

Steve and Laurie have been so good to us, and have been so good to our kids as well. Austin loves them to death and I know he'll have a hard time with this. Very few times in my life have I made friends with people who become as close as family. Steve and Laurie are that kind of special friends.

So Saturday afternoon we lured them out of the house to go to a favorite restaurant, Santa Fe, for a cocktail.

Then we came home for the surprise party.

Drinks followed. Memories were shared. Tears were shed.

Time marches on.

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