10-26-2010 update
Since last report:
Friday after work I got a quick 14 miles in on the bike, felt really good except for a little head/lung congestion.
Saturday afternoon I started to feel a little under the weather. Sunday was a no-energy, lay around the house all day, day. Felt like I was getting the flu. Monday I felt a little better, this morning (Tuesday) better still.
Julie thought my malaise was due to the chemo. Then Sunday evening Austin didn't feel good. Monday evening into this morning, Julie didn't feel good.
So, I think it really may have been a mild flu. After I got my counts yesterday, it was obvious that I'm susceptible.
The watershed event is that my wbcs did NOT come back up this time after chemo, first time ever. They came up an average of 48% previously, this time they WENT DOWN 3%, so I must be reaching some kind of critical mass with respect to chemo tolerance/affect/etc.
WBCs are 3.1, RBCs 4.68, HEMO 13.8, platelets 156, gran abs 1.2, so the WBCs and the grans are low, lowest recorded so far.
If you look at the charts, you can see how my WBCs and grans stayed down (see circles around WBC and grans abs).
This is what that nurse was telling me way back when, about "petering". Yes indeedy, I AM PETERING! Just tell the world, why don't I?
The nurse told me to avoid crowds of people, take care to wash my hands, etc. since my WBCs are on the down-low.
She also asked what my temp was when I didn't feel well. Told her I didn't know. Was criticized roundly. She took my temp, it was ninety six point such and such.
Anyway, I'm supposed to watch my temp and call if I've got a fever. But I can only do that if I take my temp. So we should buy a thermometer, maybe.
Thanks for reading m' 'blog!
Peter Ing
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