Update 10-12-2010
Sitting here on lunch break, but I can't eat lunch because I have my PET scan today, so I thought I'd update m' 'blog.
Got my levels checked yesterday. Charts below. If my WBCs drop like they usually do, I'll be WAY under range by next Monday. This is like voodoo to me, I don't really understand how it works, but I can see that on average I drop 32% the week before chemo, which if that holds up, would make my WBC about 3! Which would be way low.
Reminds me of a joke I made up - did you know J-Lo has a sister..... who's a Little Person?
Yeah, they call her Way-Lo!
Sorry about that.
Here are the charts. Since I can't ever leave anything alone, I decided to make the out of range results orange.
For my draw yesterday, Nurse J. (fellow bike rider, excellent!) let me take a picture of the needle they use when you have a port.
Gnarly gneedle, gno?
It looks a little worse than it is, because there's a plastic sheath on it. I put a black line at about the place where the needle ends.... I think, it's hard to tell.
You can see the "ears" at the back that they push it in with. After they get it in, if you are getting chemo, they tape it on you. You've seen this picture before, from my first chemo:
Sometimes it hurts, sometimes you hardly feel it. But it's all over as soon as they pierce the skin. It doesn't keep pulling and burning like an IV does.
Someone was reading a recent 'blog entry and pointed out that I spelled "seems" as "seemes" or some such thing... ugggggggghhhhhhhhh! Usually I look at the text so much I go blind. I agonize over what I write and go back and re-write. And re-write.
On and on. I probably had "seemed" and changed something and somehow butchered that all up. I am very aware that nothing much looks dumber than a misspelled word. There is a spellcheck utility I just don't always remember to use it. SNAFU.
We had my mom's 86th birthday party at the Home on Saturday, it went well. Sunday my sisters Mary and Marta brought her over to our house to hang out a while. And yesterday they checked her out and took her to Red Lobster for dinner. Hoping she can be "sprung" for good some time soon, but she still has some recovering to do before she's quite ready for that, I think.
But, she's doing very well and we're all proud of her.
Can't wait to get my PET scanned already.
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