Monday, November 1, 2010

11-01-2010 Bad Blood

11-01-2010 Bad Blood

Weekend was mostly uneventful.

Saturday I had a couple projects around the house I worked on.

Then Eric (my nephew Bob's nephew) got an Antoine Dodson Halloween costume (search for A.D. on youtube in case you care) and asked for help tying his do-rag.

Since the costume consisted of a black tank, a black wig, and a do-rag, I decided to suit up. It was good for a laugh, anyway.


Sunday, Halloween, we visited my mom. It was my sister Mary's birthday (Witch!) and she and her daughter Kate had driven home from S-Carolina to hang with my mom. So we had a nice visit with them and my bro' Ed. Had some birthday cake, too. My mom's doing very well since getting back home on Thursday.


Today, back to work and then after work... my levels. It was all going so good, too.

Evidently the chemo drugs have engaged in a successful get whitey campaign, because my white blood cells are 2.3 and my grans abs (best white cells) are 0.4. Those numbers would be, yeah, not s'good.

I got a neupogen injection this aftn, and that will be repeated Tue/Wed, followed by another blood draw on Thursday to see how I'm doing. The neupogen is supposed to stimulate the bone marrow to make white blood cells, as I understand it.

Nurse said I'm to take my temp regularly and if it gets above 100.4 I must call them immediately as waiting could earn me a hospital visit(!). Plus the usual: avoid crowds, wash, wash, wash my hands , stay away from germy people (daughter Tessa's got a horrible cold right now, so good luck w/that). She asked if I was feeling OK, and truthfully I have been.

She also said the neupogen could make me achy.

So I got that goin' for me.

Which is nice.

My luck's run out. Hopefully we'll get the counts back up and I won't have any complications and won't have to miss a chemo session.

And, there go my biking sessions for the week as clinic visits will mean I won't get home till too late to bother. Oh well, it's getting cold and we might get snow later in the week anyway.

Woe is me. Maybe I'll just start drinking. Heavily.

But seriously, it's a minor setback. A flesh wound. A fly hitting a Mack truck.


Here's the whole lowdown on the counts (this is where I always promise to update my chart) wbc2.3, rbc 4.34, hemo 13.0, platelets 143, gran abs 0.4.


The nurse that does my blood draws is a cyclist also and we always compare rides. She was out in the gale force winds last week, too. So there's plenty of crazy to go around, evidently.


Elections tomorrow and I honestly don't even know if I can bring myself to vote. I'm really sick of the process and sick of the politicians, dems and repubs, and really think that the only thing I'm really SURE of is that our system doesn't work any longer.

The repubs get in power and stick it up the dems giggys and then the dems get in power and proceed to return the favor. No real sense of compromise for the greater good, just partisan, partisan, partisan politics. I hear their campaign lies and they make me sick, and I hear their patriotic music playing in the background and it makes me sick and the whole thing is disgusting.

And the repub guy who said the biggest goal they'll have now is to make sure Obama doesn't get re-elected. Wait, that's two years from now... so what you're saying is that you won't do anything for two years? Actually I don't think anyone is surprised. And the sleazebag proved my point: moving the country forward in a positive direction is not nearly as important as getting in power and staying in power.

And the dems said plenty of stupid things, too.

But while it's easy to blame individuals and/or parties, I should more likely blame the system. All the pols have figured how to use the system to their personal advantage. THE SYSTEM DOESN'T WORK for the electorate, it works for THE ELECTED.

Anyway, that's how I feel. Maybe now I'm off the hook for voting because I shouldn't expose myself to all those germs at the polls. Lucky me! I can't tell one crook from another anyway, so what's the point?


Have a great week anyway.

The Count

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