Wednesday, November 3, 2010



Here are my charts, click on to view larger, use browser's back button to return.

My petering is unmistakable.

My temp has been good, always BELOW 98.6, so far so good. Last night about 8 I started feeling the pain in my bones. I went to bed and woke up about midnight and flopped around uncomfortably. Finally about 2 AM I got up, really feeling it. It was an overall ache, painful to walk, and REALLY painful to sit. Seemed when I sat that the pain was concentrated in my lower back. I took a couple tylenols and watched some election returns. After a while I was able to go to sleep. The tylenol dosing was for 8 hours so I made sure to get another dose later when the first one ran out.

No problems today other than being a little fatigued late in the afternoon. After work, I stopped by the clinic for my 3rd neupogen injection. The nurse said my levels should come back up so I can get my chemo Monday. Also, after they check levels tomorrow, if they're high enough they'll give me my flu shot. I don't know if they'll continue with the neupogen or not.

Tonight I'll take tylenol before I go to bed and hope for the best.

That's about it.

I DID wind up voting yesterday. Hopeless feeling, really. People say you can't complain if you don't vote. I'd buy into that if I didn't pay taxes, but I do.

Plus if you DO vote and your candidate disappoints (most all do), does that mean you can't complain? I think not.

I say complain all you want, regardless. It's the American Way.


Thanks for stoppin' by.

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