Wednesday, June 1, 2011



Chemo tomorrow, I sure hope this time it goes by faster than last week.

We have so much sunlight now! I got in a nice, pretty long ride tonight, and I didn't even leave home until about 6:00. The next 6 weeks or so is primo "come home from work and hit the road on your bike" time just because it stays light so long.

I was pondering tonight on my ride the difference between this year and last year, bike wise.

I am doing OK this year, but I was doing much better last year. Don't know how to explain it, maybe it's just getting a slower start due to the weather, maybe it's being 12 months older, maybe it's chemo fallout. But whatever it is, I don't have the explosiveness (if a 50+ year old guy can still have such a thing) that I had last year. And I had it even while I was right in the middle of chemo, I felt great.

Hopefully I'll get my mojo back if I just keep riding.

One specific thing I remember is climbing one of my favorite hills last year and just tearing it up, going back over and over just for the challenge.

This year, so far, I have pretty much avoided that hill. Maybe I should just give it a go, could be it's all in my head.


I talked to our pool guy tonight and he's thinking our bottom drain may have bought the farm. If that's the case, it might be a quick, easy, and cheap fix. He's coming by Saturday to check it out. Light a candle for us, won't you?


Sorry I don't have any pictures tonight to spice up my boring 'blog.

Oh wait, Julie took a cool picture of Austin jumpin' on the trampoline today:

Trampoline jump shots are all the rage around here since they took some cool shots on Memorial Day.

And that was my cheap attempt to spice up my boring 'blog with an action shot of my son.

Thanks for stopping by. Catch you later.

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