Friday, the day after Chemo - I was a little bit tired, that was all, didn't even have a headache this time, so that's going very well.
Saturday - I went to my nephew C-Dubs's baseball game in the morning. I ran into a guy I used to work with whose grandson was playing for the other team. I actually worked at a couple different places with him starting 1978-1986 and then again about 1988 for a while. Hadn't seen him for a long time. We compared near death experiences: He had a heart attack several years ago and is living on borrowed time, he says. I told him about my escapades. We both agreed that we feel lucky every morning we wake up and that every day is a good day.
What was it, a friggin' grandpa convention?
Hell to be old.
After we got done with our stories, I told him I was going to a benefit for a guy who died at 31 and left behind 4 kids. We both considered our good fortune, all things considered.
Saturday afternoon Julie and I headed to the Tommy Benefit. We worked the cotton candy machine.

We ran into a dear old friend, Suzy, who was an administrator where Tessa goes to school, until the beginning of this school year. It was great to see her with her husband and granddaughter. We remarked on how much she was missed. She said she hated to go, but "at some point you just have to stop". I know she had been there for quite a few years and like a lot of other things in life, sometimes you have to turn the page. Time for Suzy to enjoy her retirement. It was great to see her.
At the benefit our friend "Switzerland" told me I sound like Jon Lovitz in "The Brave Little Toaster".
Someone else confirmed that, although I can't be sure that this person wasn't just trying to put the moves on Switzerland.
Never got that before... Years ago, when I still had some hair left, people said I had Steve Martin written all over me.
Wellllll, excuuuuuuuuse me!
Back to reality now.
After we left the party, we went with some family and friends to a local greasy spoon for a late night snack. I remarked how a lot of used to stop in there after being out and about on the weekends to grab a bite to eat, in the wee hours, and now, look, here we are again!
Only THEN it was usually about 3:30 AM, now it's 10:30 PM, and let's get home so we can hit the sack!
Sunday morning I drove over to see my mom. My sister Mary had sent her a device to help her get her seat belt on, so I installed that for her and visited for a while. She's doing pretty well.

Sunday afternoon I mowed the yard and then I hopped on the bike. It was a beautiful day and I had a nice ride. I'm within striking distance of 500 miles for the year and seem to be picking up momentum, it all hinges on the weather.
Rode past the Testicle Festival. No kidding, link HERE.
Saw some vehicles I recognized, but I didn't stop.

Almost immediately after I passed there, I got buzzed by a motorcycle. Passed about 12" away at about 45 MPH. Not appreciated and not expected from a fellow two wheeler. About 3 miles later, same thing, this time at about 18-24" away at about 60 MPH. Not effing funny. Took a lot of balls. Which probably explains where they most likely came from. Yes, The Testicle Festival.
But seriously, eff them. No excuse for being an asshole, especially when you had plenty of room to pass safely. And who would expect it from a motorcyclist, all of whom you'd think would have at least a little bit of sympathy for a (vulnerable) minority?
As with everything else, a couple idiots besmirch the reputation of all the others.
After I got home, we headed out to see Tessa. She started her new medicine for OCD and seems to be tolerating it well. The problem was that she wanted to go home with us. She'll come home next Friday. Now we're in a quandary as to whether it's a good idea to visit her. We really don't want to go 2 weeks between seeing her but if it makes her miserable to see us if she can't go home (which it did last night), is it worth it?
Never ends, does it?
My final maintenance chemo for this round is due this Thursday.
Hope you had a nice weekend.
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